This blog has been dormant for quite a long time , i don't have any intention to revive it again. However you can visit my home page at or my blog at wordpress
c ya there
Scattered outbound thoughts
This blog has been dormant for quite a long time , i don't have any intention to revive it again. However you can visit my home page at or my blog at wordpress
c ya there
Our product , Sharesoft Platform, is targeted for serving a large number of clients connecting to server for information retrieval. Sharesoft Platform , is a distributed application , with several components deployed across different servers. On the front there is a web service which communicates with the components to transfer the informaiton. This web service is accessed from client for information retireval. Initially we had only one web server, serving all the clients, and was under performing under high load.
So we decided to use NLB (Network Load balancing) to balance the load across multiple servers. We put three servers on the front , created a virtual server, and enable NLB on each of them. NLB requires same application running on all servers. Result was a drastic increas in performance.
Some Important Points:
well here i m with 2 more games :) , yo cricket fans
the first is the Cricket 2005 from EA , and second is Brian Lara 2005 from Code Masters(more)
May 19,2005 @8:28 PM
a better title wuld be cracking strong named .net assemblies :)
May 09 ,2005 @ 8:32 PM |
i recently came across a very wiered behaviour of combo.. ...(more) |
recied this from a freind ,i wuld like to share it with u
Note: Please cover the mobile screen or it wouldn't be as much fun.....(more)
April 22 ,2005
so ,
the journey begins
this is my first ever published blog , sort a hello world of blogging, ;)